
(c) Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM

stress, bad mood, shake off a bad mood

Photo by hello-im-nic on Unsplash

Do you ever find yourself in a bad mood, and you’re just waiting for it to go away?  And maybe you’re making mistakes with people because you’re cranky?  Well, no need to wait any more for that mood to go away on its own.  Here are 4 of my fastest tips for shaking it off.  Enjoy and report!

  1. Literally shake it off: place your tongue at the side of your mouth, and shake your body from the shoulders down.  Pretend you are a scarecrow in a gusting stiff breeze.  In 3 minutes, notice you are feeling completely different– energized and ready– for what is up to you.  
  2. Drink a coffee:  the polyphenolic compounds in coffee will literally give your cells a lift.  Plus, coffee tastes good.  Put your feet up, sip your coffee, and in 20 minutes, your mood will have cleared.  
  3. Do silly:  Like the Ministry of Silly Walks from Monty Python, you can use silliness to evaporate a bad mood.  Look for the 2-minute Norwegian YouTube video, where someone has put up an official sign mandating Silly Walks in a crosswalk.  Everyone is trying to walk in a silly way, and everyone is laughing, including the mayor.  
  4. Remember who is in charge of your day: YOU.  Stand up, make the decision that you are making it a great day, and take a symbolic step forward

And that’s you, much more Healthy Happy and Loving Lifesm!

Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM, is an energy transformation expert, holistic healer and guide, and award-winning author who celebrates life. She has a longtime energy healing practice and is an ordained minister. Among her books are: Discover The Secret Energized You (http://tinyurl.com/b44v3br), Inspirations for Peace Within:  Quotes and Images to Uplift and Inspire, and Sacred Meditation: Embracing the Divine.  The books are available on Amazon and through Kebba’s office.   To email us, kebba@kebba.com .

Happy healthy loving life

Books by Kebba Buckley Button