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© 2020 Kebba Buckley Button.  World Rights Reserved.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

How much privacy do you want?  We are in a world of surveillance and sharing.  People post health details on Facebook that they tell friends are “shhh– just between us!” Some take photos of their most personal body parts and text those to people they are intimate with, or would like to be.  (Those photos are stored on the Cloud, people!)  Some chat out loud in a coffee shop, and others use only their keyboards. Some keep a dot taped over their laptop camera eye, and some don’t care if there are lurkers.  Some cover the ATM keypad, and some never do.

A popular food delivery service, Doordash, had a data breach a year ago.  They said 4.9 million customers were affected.  Some customers were horrified.  Some cancelled a credit card. Some didn’t care.  In hotels, some go to their room and throw the curtains open.  Others go to the hotel room and carefully close the sheers, and sometimes the blackout panels as well.  Some like a nudist encampment, and some haven’t seen their own skin for years, outside of the shower.

In conversation, some people won’t answer any questions about themselves; they prefer to toss off a light quip, flip the question back to the asker, or simply give a frownsmile of disapproval.  Extroverts may be so delighted to answer that they can’t stop divulging. Seriously HSP–Highly Sensitive People–or introverts will simply stay out of the coffeeshops, gyms, and church coffee hours, thanking God for the plethora of new delivery services.

If you have a new friendship, look for symptoms of the person’s comfort level with privacy. Decide if you are comfortable with short, cryptic conversations until your new friend feels comfortable sharing.  Focus on secondary topics or text witty pieces and beautiful photographs: “Thought you might enjoy this.”  If someone wants to get to know you, be sure they are who they say before you give out details, as they may have an agenda that will harm you later. And it will be too late.  Once data is out there, data is out there.

Privacy:  define your own level to help yourself live happily.  My mission is to help you release your stress, then help you see beyond the “OK” level to an uplifted and expanding level of being Healthy, Happy, and Loving Life (Healthy Happy Loving Lifesm).  That is where you find you are “living in the Flow”, living with ease and joy, and seeing miracles occurring.  Are you in?


Kebba Buckley Button is a stress management expert and award-winning author who celebrates life.  She also has a longtime natural healing practice and is an ordained minister. Among her books are: Discover The Secret Energized You (http://tinyurl.com/b44v3br), Inspirations for Peace Within:  Quotes and Images to Uplift and Inspire, and Sacred Meditation: Embracing the Divine.  The books are available on Amazon and through Kebba’s office.   To email us, kebba@kebba.com .

Happy healthy loving life

Books by Kebba Buckley Button