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© 2016 Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

stress, authenticity, Upbeat Living, Kebba Buckley Button

Today, I want you to check in with yourself on your level of authenticity stress:  how authentically You are you being?  Are you being true to your desires for friendships, activities, work satisfaction, and health maintenance?  Do you speak your truth?  When someone asks if you would like to go to a basketball game tonight, do you answer from your truth, however tactfully?  There are 5 reasons to be as much Yourself- as authentic- as you can manage.

  1. Not being yourself causes stress. It’s endlessly wearing and tiring. Introverts trying to be extroverts, geeks trying to be Prom royalty, active people trying to be still in a chair all day… these are all people cruising for exhaustion.
  2. You are the expert on You. So who is more qualified to be You…than you?  By now, you know whether you love to talk or get exhausted from answering phones all day.  You know if cold climates burn you out and hot climates give you energy.  You know if you love going to church on Sunday mornings or if your spirit feels the Divine Presence more in a 3-hour mountain hike on Sunday.  You know if you can’t wait to run a few more miles, or if you feel best taking a quiet yoga class.  You know if you feel best in a monogamous relationship (the right one) or if the single life is for you.  Are you honoring your nature? Or are you trying to be someone else, to get along? If you are, you have authenticity stress.

Shakespeare, in Hamlet, through the character Polonius, said this:

This, above all: to thine own self be true.  And then it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.

  1. Maybe God made you this way? If you are a person of faith, you were made a certain way, so might that not be the best way to be You?  If each of us is called to do certain things in this life, how ever will you fulfill your call if you are busy being not-You?
  2. People in alignment succeed best. For whatever goals you have, for whatever you wish to be true in Life and the World, people who are in alignment are those most likely to attract and also send out the energy of the results they desire.
  3. Follow Oscar Wilde’s advice. Wilde famously said, “Be yourself.  Everyone else is taken.”  You’ll be much less tired.

So here is a perfect opportunity for journaling.  In your life, right now, how are you not being You?  How could you be more yourself?  To what climate, job, activities and friends would you be best suited?  How much quiet do you like?  What do you want in your home surroundings? How can you move in that direction, however patiently?  Why not start now?  Only You can beat your authenticity stress! Now that’s Upbeat Living! ______________________________________________________

Energy, Peace, Meditation, stress, Peace Within, Upbeat Living

Energy – Peace – Meditation





  • Kebba Buckley Button is a stress management expert.  She also has a natural healing practice and is an ordained minister.  She is the author of the award-winning book, Discover The Secret Energized You, plus Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core, Second Edition. Her newest book is Sacred Meditation: Embracing the Divine.  All the books are available through her office.  Just call, or email books@kebba.com.
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  • For an appointment or to ask Kebba to speak for your group: calendar@kebba.com .