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© 2015  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.


Stress, resolutions, success

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So how is your New Year going so far? Did you go ahead and make those resolutions? On New Year’s Day, I recommended you wait, and just gently transition into the New Year (http://wp.me/pw4HM-kV). Yesterday, I shared the biggest secret of resolutions that can’t work (http://wp.me/pw4HM-l0). Finally, today, I’m talking about resolutions that can actually work for you, and work powerfully.


Making resolutions each New Year’s is one of the most popular traditions we have. What can that mean, except that people are not happy with the conditions or qualities or achievements of their lives and lifestyles? And that they believe they can and should take steps to make things better?   Americans most often resolve to : spend more time with loved ones, get fit, lose weight, quiet smoking, enjoy life more, quit drinking, get out of debt, learn something new, help others, and get organized.


“And now we welcome the new year , full of things that have never been.”

~ Rainer Maria Rilke

So what happens to all these well-meant resolutions? Do your last for at least 2 weeks? Are they forgotten within a month? What happened to your resolutions from a year ago?  Some people make commitments to complete their resolutions and some are more in wishcraft.  One study, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, found that people who make explicit resolutions succeed at 10 times the rate of people who have an idea that they would like to make a change later.  People with explicit resolutions held onto their resolve with surprising success:   after 6 months, 46% were still on track.  Whereas, after 6 months, only 4% of those who did not make explicit resolutions were still on track.  Which group would you like to be in?

Experts say there are three components of goals that actually work:

  1. Write them down.
  2. Be specific.
  3. Track your progress in some measurable way.

Ramp up your success by posting reminders on your mirrors and refrigerator, even inside your wallet.  Some people get a success boost with an accountability partner, perhaps a friend who shares the goal and will be supportive over a multimonth period.  Some people succeed with a mastermind group.

How long will it take to meet your goal?  Be sure your resolution includes completing the goal in a reasonable period of time.  What if your desire is, for example, to lose 20 pounds, and never have it find you again?   Write down what you will do to achieve this goal, in, for example, a three-month framework.  Will you switch what you swallow (“diet”)?  Will you start taking great multivitamin and mineral supplements?  Will you exercise?  Where will you exercise, and what times and days?  If you are an extrovert, plan on classes or fitness center programs.  If you are an introvert, perhaps workout videos are for you.  After the three months, what will your maintenance program include?  Write it out and post it.  Do you get the pattern here?  Yes, work out the details of your resolution, and recognize that this is your success plan for this resolution.

Your life is a creative process, your greatest experiment.  What tools will you choose, as you craft it into the most joyous, healthy, and fulfilling life you can possibly have?  It’s up to you. I wish you great success and happiness!



Energy – Peace – Meditation



  • Kebba Buckley Button is a stress management expert.  She also has a natural healing practice and is an ordained minister. She is the author of the award-winning book, Discover The Secret Energized You (http://tinyurl.com/b44v3br), plus the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core, Second Edition(http://tinyurl.com/mqg3uvc ). Her newest book is Sacred Meditation: Embracing the Divine, available through her office. Just email SacredMeditation@kebba.com.
  • For an appointment or to ask Kebba to speak for your group: bookings@kebba.com .